Kodak Click for Bankruptcy

Case Code: BSTR416 Case Length: 31 Pages Period: 2003-2012 Pub Date: 2012 Teaching Note: Not Available |
Price: Rs.500 Organization: Eastman Kodak Company Industry: Consumer Electronics Countries: Unites States Themes: Bankruptcy |

Abstract Case Intro 1 Case Intro 2 Excerpts
On January 19, 2012, Eastman Kodak Company (Kodak) filed a voluntary petition for business reorganization under Chapter 11 of the US bankruptcy code. From being a household name to filing for bankruptcy, it was a steep fall for the 131-year-old photography pioneer, which had been one of the top brands in the world till 1990. Despite being innovative, the company failed to capitalize on its innovations and lost out to the competition. The case chalks out the life of Kodak with a focus on the last decade before it filed for bankruptcy. The Kodak story throws up very useful twists and turns with decision points which would be important learning for today's managers.
- Examine the flaws in Kodak's business strategy that led to the company filing for Chapter 11 protection
- Understand the rationale for Kodak's poor business performance in recent years
- Understand and explore the reasons behind Kodak's fall and its learning for the managers
Eastman Kodak Company's Journey
Realignment Strategy
Losing the Competition
Key Issues Leading to Fall of Kodak
Looking Ahead
Kodak, Bankruptcy, Eastman, Antonio M Perez, Digital, Dry Plate, Films, Corporate Restructuring, Digital camera , Photo CD System, M.C. Fisher, Antonio M. Perez, Printer, U.S. Retiree Benefits, Post-Employment Benefit, diversification, Leadership, Innovation, Strategy, Competitive
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